Sunday, April 24, 2011

Day 3!

I finally took a shower this morning and I feel a lot better. I took the bandages off last night to see what the knee looked like. As you can tell in the photo, it is pretty swollen. The nurse had me initial my knee to ensure surgery was done on the correct knee. The doctor said I can put as much weight on it as my body will allow. Hopefully the swelling will continue to decrease and my kneecap will become visible again. My next appointment is this Thursday at 10 a.m.


  1. Dang worm....what a story...the pictues are actually pretty compelling. Make sure you try really hard to stay off of it...for a busy body like yourself this is probably going to be hard. Maybe this is your chance to relax...and stare at your big fat knee...and your lovely wife/daughter...

    I will be reading your blog faithfully...and checking out your sexy knee...just make sure you put lotion on them before the pics...:0

  2. Nice Legs Sherman! You should be a leg model! JK! I hope you are doing well. I enjoyed reading your blog. I agree about the lotion comment :)

  3. Wormy all of us in the Burg wish u a speedy recov
